MON 10AM - 5PM
TUE 10AM - 5PM
THU 10AM - 5PM
FRI 10AM - 5PM
SAT 9:30AM - 5PM
SUN 12PM - 5PM

Dear Quogue Library Patrons and Community Members,
Throughout the summer, we were delighted to welcome so many of you to the Quogue Library, whether you were seeking refuge from the heat, immersing yourselves in captivating stories, or attending our diverse array of programs and activities. The Second Annual Family Summer Kick-Off event held on July 6th was our most well-attended event with over 950 attendees. The Children’s Summer Reading program had a 7% increase in participation compared to last year. Our Adult Summer Reading Club was also so well attended that we will be offering another this winter.
As we bid farewell to the summer, I want to thank all our wonderful volunteers who dedicate so much of their time, talents and labor to the Quogue Library.
Quogue Library Board of Trustees - Barbara Sartorius, President
Adult Fiction Book Club - Karen Cirincione
Art Committee - Victoria Sartorius, President
Book Reviews by Brendan Ryan
Distinguished Guest Speaker:
Giuliana Castellani Koch, noted speaker on Italian culture and history
Film Feast Committee - Melissa Cook and Jim Herbert
Foreign Policy Association - David Rowe, Moderator and Susan Perkins, Facilitator
Quogue Authors in Conversation Summer Series - Ellen de Saint Phalle, Facilitator
Read to a Dog Program - Sonja Haasper
Quogue Historical Society - Pi Gardener, Quogue Historian
Second Annual Summer Kick-Off – The Quogue Library Board of Trustees,
Sarah Adams and Judy McDermott
Westhampton Garden Club - Melissa Nelson and Alicia Whitaker
We look forward to continue to work with each and every one of you!
Warm regards,
Susan McKenna
Managing Director