MON 10AM - 5PM
TUE 10AM - 5PM
THU 10AM - 5PM
FRI 10AM - 5PM
SAT 9:30AM - 5PM
SUN 12PM - 5PM

A Library of Things is a collection of objects available to patrons that goes beyond the boundaries of traditional library materials.
The Quogue Library – Library of Things Collection includes outdoor games which are available to Quogue Library patrons to check out for up to 2 weeks. Wi-Fi is also accessible on library grounds. More items to come!
Items Currently Available:
One birding backpack, complete with a birding binder guide and professional binoculars. Adult Quogue Patrons can borrow up to 2 weeks.
One badminton set (includes net and pole base, 4 rackets, 2 white shuttlecocks, 6 ground stakes, 2 guide ropes, 1 set up instructions, 1 set of game rules). Adult Quogue Patrons can borrow games up to 2 weeks.​
One croquet set (includes 6 rubberwood mallets, 6 polymer balls, 2 hardwood stakes, 9 vinyl-coated wickets, 1 laminated contents sheet, and 1 carrying case). Adult Quogue Patrons can borrow games up to 2 weeks.
One Coney Island cornhole toss (includes instructions booklet, 1 set of game rules, 1 carrying bag, 1 target, red bean bags, brown bean bags, and the tubes to set up the target). Adult Quogue Patrons can borrow games up to 2 weeks.

To Reserve/Check Out:
Click the links above to reserve items via the catalogue the same way you would reserve a book
Email info@quoguelibrary.org or call the service desk at 631-653-4224